- Improve Windows Parameter Region, Administration, Beta utf-8
- Improve Restart from zero
- Improve Apache management openssl 1.1.1/3.0.7
- Delete [phpCli] section into wampmanager.conf
- To use or unactive MariaDB or MySQL, read the file mariadb_mysql.txt
This update is cumulative Updates 3.0.1 to 3.3.1 It may be reinstalled in case of modified files by
- PHP 8.2.0 Support
- Support for Windows Parameter Region, Administration, Beta utf-8
- Change Wampserver browser by menu
- Removal of PHP CLI version change
- Fixed some small defects
- Improvement of PHP FCGI support
- Improved wampmanager.ini file management
Removed a lot of lines by the new Flags: appendsection of the Multi action of Aestan Tray Menu
- Improved management of wampapache(64), wampmysqld(64) and
wampmariadb(64) services by systematic use of Flags: waituntilterminated
- Adds a startup initialization screen.
- Display at startup all Actifs and Inactifs services.
- Fix minor bug
- Fix minor bug
- Support fcgi_module Apache.
- Possibility to have different versions of PHP for each VirtualHost
- Possibility to add or suppress FCGI support for each VirtulaHost and
- Possibility to change PHP version for each VirtualHost and Alias
- IP 'local link' support for projects on the homepage
- Fix display defects
- Fix minor bugs
- Update language files: Romanian and Chinese
- Possibility to display the ports locked by the system
- Support for PHP 8.1
- Improve default_file for MySQL and MariaDB service
- Support of Apache Graceful Restart
- Restart Wampserver in one click
- Display date/time of last startup
- Apache configurations comparison
- Ability to update Apache configuration when changing version
LoadModule - Include - Listen port - httpd-vhosts.conf - httpd-ssl.conf
openssl.cnf - apache2.4.xx\conf\Certs\ folder if existing
- Ability to restore httpd.conf and httpd-vhosts.conf
saved when installing an Apache version
- Improved display of command windows
- Ability to check for updates to Wampserver, Aestan Tray Menu,
Apache, PHP, MySQL, MariaDB, etc.
- See all PhpMyAdmin versions in a submenu
- Check PhpMyAdmin version versus PHP version
- Icons for PhpMyAdmin and Adminer
- Option to show www dir in menu
- Layout improvements for home pages and add a VirtualHost
- Add CMD /D /C to Command Windows to avoid automatic autorun of
registry keys
- Alias management (Apache Menu -> Alias directories) Possibility to
delete the folder associated with an Alias.
- Apache Includes viewer tool
- Verification Tool Alias <-> Directory match
- Unused dll xDebug file verification tool
- Support for PHP 8
- Support for xDebug 3
- Correction of small code defects
- Cosmetic corrections
- 支持PHP 8
- Improve check state of services BINARY PATH NAME
- Improve Create definitions of TextMenu
- 支持在Windows命令行使用sc命令删除 mysql 和 mariadb 服务
- 改善 IDNA ServerName 检查
- 改善显示 PHP error_reporting
要使用或禁用MariaDB/MySQL,请阅读mariadb_mysql.txt文件或鼠标右键单击Wampmanger图标,然后选择帮助 -> MariaDB - MySQL
Cumulative update 3.0.1 to 3.2.3 Can be reinstalled to repair untimely modified files.
- Aestan Tray Menu - PromptText multiline support
- Functions for PromptText multiligne
- 增加显示日志文件大小
- 清除过时的代码
- 删除不必要的功能
- 冗余检查
- 其它改进
- 改善重新安装所有服务功能
- Check SERVICE_START_NAME for all services
- See Event Viewer error Apache Service if not started
- Add require refreshVerifyFiles.php
- 修复默认DBMS(如果没有)
- 显示默认DBMS
- 修复php子菜单中的第一个date.timezone
- 将ThreadStackSize 添加到 httpd.conf
- 增加显示一些Apache设置
- 改善日志文件自动清除
- Aestan Tray Menu - Support text menu items
Aestan Tray Menu (Wampmanager.exe) complete redevelopment
- Compiled with Delphi 10.3.1 Community Edition
- Updated BlueCave library for Bpl Types 260.
- Jcl and Jvcl libraries followed by their authors.
- Third party annex library Inno Setup maintained by its author.
- 32 bit version and a 64 bit version of Aestan Tray Menu
- 增加PHP 7.4.0支持
- 改善Apache变量管理
- 改善语言文件管理
- 改善重新安装所有服务
- Tool verify symbolic links
- Possibility to trace Wampmanager processes
- Check compilations Visual C++ 2019
- 检查所有PHP版本的线程安全
- 使用write_file函数代替fopen,fwrite,fclose函数
- Improve process and PID research
- 要使用或禁用MariaDB,请查阅mariadb_mysql.txt文件,或鼠标右键单击Wampmamager图标,然后单击帮助(Help) -> MariaDB - MySQL
- Cumulative update 3.0.1 to 3.2.0 Can be reinstalled to repair untimely modified files.
- Fix VirtualHost creation issue (CVE-2019-11517). Thanks to Imre Rad
- Warning if Apache variables not found
- Improving the verification of the status of services
- Support VirtualHost IDNA (Internationalized Domain Names in Applications) ServerName
- Possibility to backup hosts file before modification
- Non-systematic rewriting of some files
Use of PHPIniDir "${APACHE_DIR}/bin" in httpd.conf
No more warnings if the PATH environment variable contains a path on Wamp or a version of PHP.
- Update of spanish language files - Thank to Raphy
- Replacement of local images integrated in base64 by img/xxx.yyyyy
- Do not change the VirtualHost port when changing the apache version
- Verify Apache Define's. Add Define SRVROOT if not exist
- Don't use dnscache service anymore
- Do not create symlink for libcrypto-1_1.dll, libssl-1_1.dll, libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll libssl-1_1-x64.dll
- New folder : wamp(64)/bin/apache/original_libcrypto_libssl/ containing the original libcrypto and libssl files above for Apache versions 2.4.26 to 2.4.37 32 & 64 bit
- Preparation to support PHP 7.3
- Fix security vulnerability (XSS) found by Franciny Salles in index.php page
- Possibility to copy PHP dll instead of symlink
- Apache original Variable ${SRVROOT} taken into account.
- MySQL and MariaDB ports limits by variable
- Verify MySQL and MariaDB Service name
- Verify that navigator and editor defining exe files exist
- Correct default Put Offline after Online
- Check ServerName with .dev tld
- Don\'t use dnscache service if NOT_STOPPABLE
- Possibility to create Wampserver Configuration Report
- Possibility of automatic cleaning of log files - If more than 1000 lines (configurable) reduction to the last 50 (configurable) lines
- Possibility of automatic cleaning of tmp directory - If more than 1000 files (configurable) suppress all files
- Correct bug create VirtualHost if Apache use port other than 80
- Correct bug : suppress \':port number\' in $virtualHost[\'FirstServerName\']
- To use MariaDB, read the file mariadb_support.txt
- Fix vulnerability found by Vipin Chaudhary page add_vhost.php - CVE ID is CVE-2018-8817
- Fix MariaDB services instead of MySQL (Reinstall services)
- Check the Listen Port when changing Apache versions
- Replacing | FIND with | FINDSTR in Windows command lines
- Correction of typographical errors
Fix security vulnerability found by Vipin Chaudhary in add_vhost.php page - CVE ID is CVE-2018-8732
Cross site scripting (XSS) even if the server and localhost use the Apache "Require local" directive.
- Fix bug: localhost on port different of 80
- Fix bug: Change PHP version CLI if only one PHP version
- Tools: Reinstall all services
- Tools: Ability to add Listen Port to Apache
- Tools: Update of Check compilers VC ...
- Ability to customize prompt for MySQL and MariaDB consoles
- Ability to choose the user for MySQL and MariaDB consoles
- Support for PHP 7.2.0
- Support PHP 7.2.0+ for extension=dba in place of extension=php_dba.dll
- Check if zend_extensions dll's files exists
- Correct bug in check VirtualHost ServerName
- Tool to invert default DBMS (MySQL <-> MariaDB)
- Tool to change PHP CLI version
- Command windows on bin folders of Apache, MySQL and MariaDB
- Choice to show PhpMyAdmin and/or Adminer in the menu
- Support for PHP 7.2.0
- Support PHP 7.2.0+ for extension=dba in place of extension=php_dba.dll
- Check if zend_extensions dll's files exists
- Correct bug in check VirtualHost ServerName
- Tool to invert default DBMS (MySQL <-> MariaDB)
- Tool to change PHP CLI version
- Command windows on bin folders of Apache, MySQL and MariaDB
- Choice to show PhpMyAdmin and/or Adminer in the menu
- No call to PhpMyAdmin or Adminer if no Mysql nor MariaDB
- Correct bug : check symlinks with strtolower
- Versions Apache, PHP, MySQL, MariaDB, PhpMyAdmin in tray menus
- Support of sql-mode for MariaDB
- Correct bug replace mysqlService by mariadbService
- php.exe for refreshSymlink.php in place of php-win.exe
- Fixed Bug in file scripts/testPort.php
- Fixed Bug replacement of $range = ''; by $range = '';
- Support of zend_extension extensions On/Off
- State of services RUNNING or STOPPED
- Better explanations of ServerName limitations
- Correct Bug : MariaDB version switching
- Ability to disable MySQL
- Ability to disable MariaDB
- Ability to work only with Apache and PHP, without DBMS.
- Possibility to use MariaDB instead of MySQL
- To use MariaDB, read the file mariadb_support.txt
- Possibility of multiple Apache listen ports
- Check VirtualHost on port other than 80
- Module Apache authz_host_module should not be disabled
- add PHP parameter max_input_vars
- Menu item add a VirtualHost
- Menu items links to Documentation
- Correction of typos
- Support for MariaDB
- To use MariaDB, read the file mariadb_support.txt
- Add parameter NotCheckVirtualHost
- Check symbolic links (With Refresh)
- Possibilities to modify php.ini parameters like date.timezone, memory_limit, max_execution_time, etc. with Wampmanager submenus. Possibility to write your own values.
- Alias submenu
- Possibility to modifiy some MySQL parameters
- Possibility to suppress versions Apache, PHP and MySQL not in use
- New file wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.xy\wampdefineapache.conf that contains the variables (Define) Apache as the syntax of an ini file.
- Check Apache variable into DocumentRoot and Directory paths
- Add edit httpd-vhosts.conf file in Apache submenu
- Add check DNS order in Tools right submenu
- Add 57 for PHP 7.0.6 symlinks
- Array $phpParamsNotOnOff for PHP parameters that cannot be switched On or Off
- Add Wamp parameter NotCheckDuplicate ServerName
- Possibility to suppress VirtualHost
- Possibility to copy VirtualHost at the Apache version change
- Possibility to have VirtualHost by IP
- Update and adding languages files
- Possibilites to copy tools results into clipboard
- Right-Click Refresh now rebuild symbolic links
- Correct small bugs
- Versions used in About
- Uninstall registry keys renamed to {wampserver32}or {wampserver64}
- Fixed bug in the port changes for MySQL that did not work with PHP 7
- Separate language files for index.php and add vhost.php
- The home pages and add vhost use the language specified in Wampmanager if the related file exists in wamp\www\wamplangues\
- Support of Apache 2.2.x
- Test the names of any services and changes related files.
- Improved some functions
- Edge support for Windows 10